The Reviews Are In!

The Climate Trail has been out for less than two weeks, here’s what users have to say:

  • I really like the premise; a serious reality sometimes needs a creative approach. I downloaded and donated.

  • Very creative. The best I could do do was tell every climate denier I come across is that their kids are f*****g dead dead dead & they killed them.

  • This is amazing, what a cool concept, I love it!

  • You’re an activist, my dude—can’t wait to play.

  • Amazing idea! I'll check it out asap, and share too.

  • If you could do that for climate change then that could potentially be amazing.

  • I made it a week out of Flint. Good game!

  • This is AMAZING (sorry for shouting)

  • This is great, thank you.

  • As a Gen-Xer who grew up playing Oregon Trail on old Apple II e/c computers in school (and on my Commodore 64 at home), I'm definitely going to get into this later (saved the post).

  • After reading the comments, it sounds like you put a lot of work and money into this. I'll be sure to hit that donate button.

  • Came here from your post on r/collapse. This needs more views, a nice play and really inspiring. Nice work.

  • please, please, PLEASE, post this somewhere else, get as much attention as possible, this is something everyone should see at least and play if they can.

  • Came here from your post on r/collapse. This needs more views, a nice play and really inspiring. Nice work.

  • Native Linux support really pleased me, kudos for you


  • I played for about 15 minutes and died of starvation on easy. 10/10 would recommend people play this game.

  • I think this is awesome. Kudos to you for making a simple and clean game. This was full of great information and humor; I loved the Rideshare bit. I hope someday that I can make a game as good as this one. Thank you for putting the time into this and letting us give it a try.

Now Available for the iPhone and iPad! and Google Play!

Now available for the iPhone and iPad and Google Play (Android)

William Volk